In this topic
This guide is designed to help you (as a first time Ready pay (powered by ePayroll) employer) add your employees into Ready pay (powered by ePayroll).
Before you start setting up your employees, make sure that you’ve reviewed the Employer Configuration help topic to check if there are any employer level configurations required.
NOTE: Many of these tasks are not compulsory. Each section indicates whether the task is compulsory or optional.
Employee Set Up Service
If you have more than 10 employees, our Employee Set Up Service is often the most efficient way for your employee records to be configured. We’ll supply you with an Excel template to complete for your employee’s master file data and another Excel template for their Year To Date data. A support fee applies for this service.
For more information about our Employee Set Up Service, get in touch.
Employee Record Set Up
To set up your employee’s manually, you’ll need to go to the Employees screen and select the New Employee button.
Make sure that you have each employee’s:
- Name
- Address and contact details
- Employment details such as standard hours, status and salary
- Super Fund name and membership number
- TFN and other tax declaration details
For more information on setting up your employees refer to the Adding a New Employee help topic.
Adding Year To Date Details
If you’ve paid your employee’s through a different payroll system already in the current financial year, you can enter the year to date details for their payments into Ready pay (powered by ePayroll).
This will allow you to issue a single, consolidated Payment Summary to your employees at the end of the financial year.
To add your employee’s year to date details:
- Go to the Payroll -> Year To Date screen.
- If you have less than 15 employees, you’re employees will be visible on the screen for you to enter their year to date payments.
- If you have more than 15 employees, you’ll need to use the dropdown box at the top of the screen to select the employee’s whose year to date payments you want to add/update.
- After updating the year to date apayments, click the Preview Changes button at the top of the screen.
- Review the Year To Date Report and then click the Save Changes button.