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Managing Paycodes

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This topic describes how to view the available paycodes on an account or add a new paycode to an account.

A paycode represents a type of payment that you can make to your employees. A large number of preconfigured paycode templates are available for you to add to your account. There are three steps required to make a new paycode available in your payroll:

  1. Add the new paycode to your account
  2. Assign the new paycode to a Payment Group(s)
  3. Assign the paycode to an employee(s)

For information about assigning a paycode to a Payment Group, refer to the Managing Payment Groups help topic. For information about assigning Paycodes to an employee, refer to the Managing Employee Payment Details help topic.

NOTE: You must have the Paycode Administrator web role to be able to access this screen.

Adding a new Paycode to your account

To add a new paycode to your account:

  1. Go to the Employer -> Paycodes screen
  2. Select the required paycode template from the Available Paycode Templates dropdown
  3. Click the Add Paycode button
  4. The new paycode will be added to the bottom of the list of Paycodes that are configured on your account

Editing a Paycode from your account

NOTE: You must have the Paycode Administrator web role to be able to access this screen.

IMPORTANT: Once a Paycode has been used in a payroll you will not be able to edit it’s Title, Description or Rate.

To edit a paycode on your account:

  1. Go to the Employer -> Paycodes screen
  2. Click the Edit button to the left of the paycode that you want to edit
  3. Update the Title if required
  4. Update the Description if required

    NOTE: The Description is what will show on the employee’s Payslip.

  5. Update the Rate if required

    NOTE: You will only be able to edit the Rate for paycodes which are configured as ‘Hours based’ or ‘Unit based’.

  6. Click the Save Changes button

Deleting a Paycode from your account

To delete a paycode from your account:

  1. Go to the Employer -> Paycodes screen
  2. Click the Delete button to the left of the paycode that you want to delete

NOTE: A paycode can only be deleted if it is not assigned to any Payment Group.

Downloading a Paycode Report

To download a report listing the Paycodes on your account:

  1. Go to the Employer -> Paycodes screen
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Click the Download Paycode Report at the bottom right of the screen

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