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Managing Employee Payment Details

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This topic describes how an employee authority can manage employee payment details such as Salary or Hourly rate, Payment Group and Paycodes.

Viewing an employee’s Payment Details

To view an employee’s Payment Details:

  1. Go to the Employees screen using the menu
  2. Use the search filters or the page navigation links at the bottom of the screen to find the employee if required

    NOTE: For more details on locating an employee record, refer to the Searching for Employees help topic.

  3. Click on the employees name to view the employees record
  4. Select the Payment tab

Accessing Edit mode from within View mode

To edit an employee’s Payment Details from within view mode:

  1. Follow the instructions above to access the employee’s Cost Centre details
  2. Click the Edit button at the bottom right of the screen
  3. The Payment screen will be displayed in edit mode
  4. Make any changes that you need make

Accessing Edit mode using the shortcut menu

To edit an employee’s Payment Details using the shortcut menu:

  1. Go to the Employees screen using the menu
  2. Use the search filters or the page navigation links at the bottom of the screen to find the employee if required
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the employee’s name
  4. Click the Payment Details link in the fly out menu
  5. Click the Edit button at the bottom right of the screen
  6. Make any changes that you need to make

Changing a Payment Group

To change a Payment Group:

  1. Access Edit Mode using the instructions above
  2. Select the new Payment Group from the Payment Group dropdown
  3. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page

Changing a Salary or Hourly rate

NOTE: The system will allow you to enter either a Salary or Hourly rate, depending on the configuration of the employee’s Payment Group.

To change a Salary or Hourly rate:

  1. Access Edit Mode using the instructions above
  2. Update the Salary or Hourly Rate field (only one of these fields will be available)

    NOTE: The system will automatically calculate the Salary or Hourly rate (which ever you didn’t enter) using the Standard Hours field.

  3. Update the Standard Hours if required

    NOTE: Updating the Standard Hours field will not automatically update the Ordinary Hours that automatically populate into the payroll. To update the hours that automatically populate into the payroll, you need to update the Cost Centre default hours. For further information, please refer to the Managing Employee Cost Centres help topic.

  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page

Updating the Paycode Selection

To update the paycodes that are available for an employee in the payroll:

  1. Access Edit Mode using the instructions above
  2. In the Paycode Selection section, place a tick next to the paycodes that you would like to be visible for the employee in the payroll.

    NOTE: If a paycode is not available, ensure that the paycode has been assigned to the chosen Payment Group. Refer to the Managing Payment Groups help topic.

  3. Update the Default Values for any paycodes that are selected

    NOTE: If you specify a default value for any of the paycodes, these will automatically populate into each new payroll.

  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page

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