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On-Demand Reporting

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This page describes the available on-demand reports.

The on-demand reports module allows you to generate reports using your own criteria and filters.

Running On-Demand Reports

To run an On-Demand reports:

  1. Go to the Reporting -> On-Demand screen
  2. Select the report that you want to run from the Please Select a Report drop down
  3. Complete the required criteria
  4. Click the Run Report button
  5. Use the report viewer buttons to download, print or email the report

Finance Reports

The following finance reports are available in the On-Demand reporting module:

Report Name Description
Fulfilment This report gives a breakdown of superannuation and other fulfillments to be paid for a specified date range. It is broken down into Super funds and then further into employees. For each employee the amount to be paid is displayed and broken down into SGC, Salary Sacrifice, Employee additional and Employer Additional. The data is designed to enable you to easily calculate the amount to be paid to each fund in a quarter. You will need to select a Start Date and End Date; this will limit results to amounts for any processed payrolls with an accounting date between the selected date range.
GL Data Report The GL Data Report gives a breakdown of the information your General Ledger file into its component parts for a specified date range or for a specific Payroll. Optionally you can filter the data to a single specified cost centre. There the date range is used output includes data from any payroll where the Accounting Date falls within the specified date range.
Long Service Leave Report This report will output your companies current long service leave liabilities as outlined in the Australian Accounting Standard AASB 1028 for Employee Benefits. The liability is calculated based on an employee’s current long service leave accrual balance and salary taking into account a fixed on-cost percentage of 16%. It is designed for output to Excel.
Payroll Employee Summary This report provides summarising payments to employees grouped by Cost Centre.
Payroll Summary By State This report provides a cost centre summary of the payments made through payroll during the date specified, grouped by Cost Centre.
Payslip This report will provide payslips for a payroll.
Workers Compensation This report has been designed to assist you in completing your Workers Compensation Return for your insurance company. It includes amounts reportable for workers compensation salaries and wages, superannuation, reportable termination payments for each Pay Location in your company. Select a date range to return payroll data from payrolls with accounting dates between the selected Start Date and End Date.

Human Resource Management Reports

The following Human Resource Management reports are available in the On-Demand reporting module:

Report Name Description
Age Profile The Age Profile report will out put a breakdown of the age groups within your company with subtotals for 0-20 years, >20-30, >30-40, >50-60 and >60 as at the date the report is run. These are also subtotaled and averaged by Gender as well.
Birthday This report will provide a list of active employees and their birth date. It is designed to enable you to quickly find employees with upcoming birthdays who may require a change in rate of pay. It will be ordered by Employees Family Name and includes the family name, given name, start date, birth date, occupation and location.
Centrelink This will provide a report for a single employee in a specific date range that can be sent to Centrelink when they provide you with a request for wages history. It is designed to be printed and signed before returning to Centrelink along with the original request.
Custom Fields Report (Excel Only) This report will provide active employee custom fields value which should be exported to Excel file only
Employee Cost Centre This report provides a list of active employees by cost centre by employment status. The report can be filtered for a single cost centre or for the whole company.
Employee Info (Excel) This report will provide a list of employees with their personal and payroll details. It is designed to be exported to Excel. The report will display all active employees and will display any inactive employees with a termination date within 12 months of the selected Start Date.
Employee Inquiry This report will provide you with a detailed list of payments made to single employee within a specified date range with summary totals as well a general payroll details for the employee and their current leave balances. You will need to select an employee from the Employee list and a Start Date and End Date. This will restrict the payroll transactions to those where the payroll accounting date is within the start and end date.
Salary History This report lists the employee’s salary information and the changes that have been captured in the payroll system. The first line of information relates to the original salary setup for the employee. When there is a change in the Hourly Rate or Salary a new record is displayed with the date that change applied from. If you require the data for a single employee select the employee name from the Employee list.
Taxation Details Report This report provides details of each employee’s Taxation configuration.
Tenure The tenure report returns information on the number of staff and how long they have been employed as at the current date. It is broken down into totals for 0- 3 months, >3 – 6 months, >6 – 12 months, >1 – 2, years, >2 – 3 years, >3 – 5 years and >5 years. A subtotal is given for Permanent Staff and Casual / Contractor and then by Gender. For each the average length of tenure is reported.
Transaction Data (Excel) This report will provide you with a list of payments made to your employees within a specified date range. It is designed to be exported to Excel. The report will display all employees who received a payment on a payroll with an accounting date falling within the Start Date and End Date selected. It will be ordered by Accounting Date then Employee Family Name.
Turnover This report returns information on the turnover of staff within your company for a specified period. It includes the Number of Staff employed, New Staff and Exited Staff during the selected period. This is subtotaled by Permanent and Casual / Contractor and then by Gender. For each the turnover ratio between exited staff and number of staff is reported as well as a full time equivalent value for permanent staff.
WorkCover Report This report will list all employees who have recieved a Work Cover payment during the period.

Leave Reports

The following Leave reports are available in the On-Demand reporting module:

Report Name Description
Leave Applications (Excel) This report lists all leave applications for periods which fall between the selected period. It is designed to be exported into Excel. For each leave application, this report will display the Employee ID, Employee Name, Leave type (e.g. annual, personal etc), Last day at Work, First day back at Work and Application Status. You will need to select a date range that you want the report for.
Leave Audit This report is designed to enable you to quickly audit leave accruals for a specific employee. It will display for each payroll processed for an employee what the increase and decrease in the annual leave, personal leave, long service leave and rostered day off accruals was as well as their opening balances on commencement and current leave balances.
Leave Records (Excel) This report will provide you with a list of any leave payments processed in a payroll. You will need to select a Start Date and EndDate; It is specifically designed to be exported into Excel. The report will easily enable you identify trends in your employees leave habits such as always taking personal leave on a Monday.
Paid Parental Leave Audit The Paid Parental Leave Audit Report provides you with details of any payments that have been made to employees for Paid Parental Leave (PPL). This will then allow you to reconcile the paid amounts to the amounts received from Centrelink. If you have multiple pay Cycles please select the applicable cycle.

Transaction Reports

The following Synchronise reports are available in the On-Demand reporting module:

Report Name Description
Deduction Report This report lists all salary packaging deductions that have been made from employee’s in a specific payroll.
Transaction This report gives detailed payroll summary transaction records for any processed payrolls. You must select a Start Date and an End Date, this will limit the results to data for any processed payrolls with an accounting date within the selected date range and total the amounts for all payrolls included. The report details each employee transactions including Pay codes, Cost Centre, Hourly Rate, units and amounts, tax, SGC as well as summary totals for all employees.

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