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Month End Reporting

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This page describes the reports that are available as Month End reports.

Standard Month End Reports

When you run a payroll at Step 3, your month end reports will be generated if this is your last payroll for the month.

Your last payroll for the month is any payroll where the number of days in the paycycle is greater than the number of days left in the current month. For example, if you are running a weekly payroll, your month end reports will generate when there are less than 7 days left in the month. This trigger uses the Accounting Date of the payroll when calculating how many days are left in the month.

If your month end reports are generated and you subsequently run another payroll that matches the above criteria, your month end reports will automatically regenerate to include the additional payroll.

The standard month end reports are:

Report Name Description
ESS - Custom Fields Report This report will provide a list of Custom Fields for each employee
Employee Movement Report This report will show terminated employees within the current month
Fulfillment Liability Report This report will show all fulfilments, for example, superannuation payments, salary packaging items and child support payments
Missing Details This report will detail any missing details for all employees
Month End Payroll Summary This report will give you a summary of the payments that have been made in all payrolls for the month

NOTE: You may have access to additional reports which are not included by default.

Regenerating Month End Reports

To regenerate your month end reports:

  1. Go to the Payroll -> Paid Payrolls screen
  2. Use the Financial Year dropdown at the top of the screen to select the last payroll in the month that you want to regenerate reports for
  3. Scroll to the Payroll Files section of the page
  4. Click the Regnerate Reports button
  5. Your payrol reports will regenerate and will also trigger your Month End Reports to regenerate(this may take up to 5 minutes to finish)

NOTE: Your month end or payroll reports have been generated multiple times, always make sure that you are viewing the most recently generated set of reports

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