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Using the Leave Roster

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This topic describes how to use the Leave Roster to view leave within your team/organisation. The Leave Roster makes it easy to quickly gain an overview of which staff are on (or will be on) leave at a given point in time.

NOTE: Only employees who report to you will be visible on the Leave Roster.

Viewing the Leave Roster

To view the Leave Roster:

  1. Go to the Leave/Expense -> Leave Roster screen
  2. Adjust the Start Date and End Date to show a different period if required

    NOTE: By default, the Leave Roster will show leave for the next 3 months.

  3. Update the Status field if required

    NOTE: By default, the Leave Roster will show Leave Applications that have a Status of Processing, Accepted or Paid

  4. Update the Leave Type if required to only show applications that relate to a certain type of leave

    NOTE: By default, the Leave Roster will include Leave Applications for all Leave Types

  5. Tick the Display all employees in the roster check box if required

    NOTE: By default, the Leave Roster will only show rows for employees who have a leave application that matches the search criteria

  6. Click the Run Report button to update the Leave Roster based on the entered search criteria

Downloading the Leave Roster Report

  1. Follow the instructions above to view the Leave Roster
  2. Click the Download Leave Roster Report button that is next to the Run Report button

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