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Configure Locations

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This topic describes how to view or configure locations on an account.

Each employee can be assigned to one Location only. Typically, a location is anywhere that your business operates a site. Employer Holidays can be configured to apply to employees at specified Locations.

Viewing Locations

To view the Locations on an account, go to the Employer -> Locations screen.

This screen will list all Locations on the account.

Adding a new Location

To add a new Location:

  1. Access the Employer -> Locations screen
  2. Click the New Location button at the top of the page
  3. Enter a Location Title
  4. Enter a Location Contact
  5. Select the State where the Location is located
  6. Enter the Phone Number for the Location
  7. Click the Save Changes button

NOTE: Every Location must have a Location Title. All other fields are optional.

Editing an existing Location

To edit an existing Location:

  1. Access the Employer -> Locations screen
  2. Click the New Location button at the top of the page
  3. Enter a Location Title
  4. Enter a Location Contact
  5. Select the State where the Location is located
  6. Enter the Phone Number for the Location
  7. Click the Save Changes button

NOTE: Every Location must have a Location Title. All other fields are optional.

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