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Leave Management Integration

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This topic describes how to transfer approved leave requests into the payroll.

Pay Leave into an Open Payroll

To transfer approved leave into a payroll:

  1. Go to the Leave/Expense -> Leave Payment screen
  2. Select the payroll that you are processing from the Open Payrolls dropdown

    NOTE: You can transfer leave into any open payroll including an adhoc payroll

  3. Update the Pay Hours field for each approved leave application. This can be done either:
    1. Manually by typing the number of hours that you want to pay from each leave application
    2. Automatically by clicking the Auto Fill Pay Hours button

    NOTE: We recommend using the automatic option to save you time and reduce the likelihood of errors.

  4. For any leave application where you want to pay more than one pay period worth of leave, you will need to manually increase the Pay Hours value and should also update the # Pays field to reflect the number of pay periods that you are paying

    NOTE: Updating the # Pays field will ensure that the employee is taxed correctly

  5. Click the Submit to Payroll button
  6. Click Okay in the confirmation dialog
  7. Review the Event listing to make sure that leave was transferred to payroll successfully

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