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Configuring Employee Access

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This page describes how to set up an employee’s web access to the leave and/or expense management system.

Configuring access to lodge a leave application or expense reimbursement

To set an employee up as a leave or expense user:

  • Go to the Employees screen
  • Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the employee’s name
  • Select Personal Details from the fly our menu
  • Enter the employee’s Email address if it is not already recorded
  • In the web roles section of the screen, place a tick next to:
    • The Expense User web role to give the employee access to apply for expense reimbursements
    • The Leave User web role to gove the employee access to apply for leave
  • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom right of the screen

Configuring access to approve leave applications or expense reimbursements

To allow an employee to approve leave or expense applications for other employess who report to them:

  • Click the Administration tab
  • By default, you will see the People tab
  • Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the employee’s name
  • Select Web Roles & Contact Roles from the fly out menu
  • In the web roles section of the page, place a tick in:
    • The Expense Approver web role to give the employee access to approve expense requests for employees who report to them
    • The Leave Approver web role to give the employee access to approve leave requests for employees who report to them
  • Click the Save Changes button

NOTE An employee can only be assigned the Expense Approver and Leave Approver web roles if they have an email address entered for them. If you are unable to select any web roles, ensure that the employee has an email address in the system and that you have the necessary web roles to be able to edit another employee’s web roles.

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