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This topic describes how to view or update the details for an employer.

Viewing Employer Basic Details

To view your company’s details go to the Employer -> Employer Home screen using the menu

This screen contains four sections:

  1. Employer Details - Shows basic employer details
  2. Payroll Settings - Shows some basic settings that can be edited by Payroll Support if required
  3. Payment Details - Shows how employees and superannuation are paid
  4. EFT Details - Shows the settings that are used to produce a bank file if the Employee Payment method is ABA/Bank File or EFT Direct Entry.

Editing Employer Details

To edit employer details:

  1. Follow the instructions above to view Employer Details
  2. Click the Edit link in the Employer Details sections

The following fields will be visible for all clients:

Field Name Editable? Description
Employer Name No The legal name of the entity that employs staff.
Trading Name No The trading name of the entity that employs staff. This may be the same as the Employer Name.
Phone Yes The main phone number for the business.
Fax Yes The fax number for the business. This field is compulsory due to Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reporting requirements. If your business does not have a Fax number, you should enter your phone number in this field.
ABN/Dept. No The Australian Business Number (ABN) for the entity, followed by the 3 digit ATO branch number. Most business will have a branch number of 001.
Type Yes The type of legal entity that employees staff.
Street Address 1 Yes The first line of the employer’s address.
Street Address 2 Yes The second line of the employer’s address. This field can be left blank.
Suburb Yes The suburb of the employer’s address.
State Yes The State of the employer’s address. If the employer’s adress is overseas, this should be OTH.
Postcode Yes The 4 digit postcode of the employer’s address. If the employer’s address is overseas, this should be 9999.
Country Yes The country of the employer’s address. For Australian based businesses, this should be Australia.
Earnings Signatory Yes The name of the person who is authorised to sign Payment Summaries on behalf of the business.
Principal Activity Yes The Australian Business Code and description for the businesses main activities. This field is used for ATO reporting.

The following fields will be visible for clients who pay their employee’s using an ABA/Bank File:

Field Name Editable? Description
Account Name Yes The name of the bank account into which the bank file will be uploaded.
BSB Yes The Bank State Branch (BSB) of the bank account into which the bank file will be uploaded.
Account No Yes The Account Number of the bank account into which the bank file will be uploaded.
EFT User ID Yes The 6 digit number that is required in the bank file and is supplied by your bank. Some banks may refer to the EFT User ID may also be known as a Direct Entry Code, a DE ID, or an APCA ID.

NOTE: If you need to make amendments to any fields that are not editable, you will need to contact Payroll. Some fields, such as ABN and Employer Name may not be able to be changed in some circumstances.

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