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Personal Details

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This topic describes how an employee authority can view or edit an employee’s Personal Details. There are two ways to edit an employee record. The shortcut menu is the quickest way to edit an employee’s Personal Details, unless you are already viewing the employee’s Personal Details.

Viewing an employee’s Personal details

To view an employee’s Personal Details:

  1. Go to the Employees screen using the menu
  2. Use the search filters or the page navigation links at the bottom of the screen to find the employee if required
  3. Click on the employees name to view the employees record
  4. Select the Personal Details tab

NOTE: For more details on locating an employee record, refer to the Searching for Employees help topic.

Editing an employee’s Personal Details from within view mode

To edit an employee’s Personal Details from within view mode:

  1. Follow the instructions above to access the employee’s Personal Details
  2. Click the Edit button at the bottom left of the screen
  3. The Personal Details screen will be displayed in edit mode

Editing an employee’s Personal Details using the short cut menu

To edit an employee’s Personal Details using the short cut menu:

  1. Go to the Employees screen using the menu
  2. Use the search filters or the page navigation links at the bottom of the screen to find the employee if required
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button to the left of the employee’s name
  4. Select the Personal Details menu item from the fly out menu
  5. The Personal Details screen will be displayed in edit mode

NOTE: For more details on locating an employee record, refer to the Searching for Employees help topic.

Personal Details

The following table provides a description of each of the fields in the Personal Details section for an employee.

Field Mandatory Description
Photo No This field can be used to upload a photo of the employee. This is not compulsory but can make it easier to identify employee’s in the flow chart.
Family Name Yes This field requires you to enter the employee’s family name.
Given Name Yes This field requires you to enter the employee’s first given name.
Preferred Name No This field allows you to specify the name that the employee prefers to be called.
Middle Initial No This field allows you to specify the first letter of the employee’s second given name.
Gender Yes This field requires you to specify the employee’s gender.
Email Address No This field allows you to specify the employee’s email address. This field is not compulsory, however, if you do not specify the employee’s email address you will not be able to provide them with access to the system.
Birth Date Yes This field requires you to select the employee’s date of birth.
Email Type Yes You should select HTML as the Email Type, unless the employee is experiencing issues with the HTML email format.
Home Phone No This field allows you to specify the employee’s home phone number.
Mobile Phone No This field allows you to specify the employee’s mobile phone number.
Street Address 1 Yes This field requires you to enter the first line of the employee’s address. This field should not contain any commas.
Street Address 2 No This field allows you to enter the second line of the employee’s address if required. This field should not contain any commas.
Suburb Yes This field requires you to enter the Suburb for the employee’s address. This field should not contain any commas.
State Yes This field requires you to select the State for the employee’s address. If the employee’s address is overseas, you should select ‘OTH’ as the State.
Postcode Yes This field requires you to specify the Australian postcode for the employee’s address. If the employee is overseas, you should enter ‘9999’ as the postcode.
Country Yes The field requires you to specify the country of the employee’s address. This should be the full country name.
State Employed Yes This field requires you to specify the State that an employee works in and is primarily used for Payroll Tax and Long Service Leave purposes.
Pay Location Yes This field requires you to select the location where the employee works.
Occupation Yes This is a free text field that allows you to specify the employee’s role within your organisation.
Start Date Yes This field cannot be edited. If changes are required to the Start Date, you will need to either:
1. Contact Payroll support or
2. Terminate the employee and re-enter them with the correct date.
Employee Code No This is the unique identifier for the employee.

In Case of Emergency

The following table provides a description of each of the fields in the In Case of Emergency section for an employee.

Field Mandatory Description
Name No This field allows you to specify the name of the employee’s emergency contact.
Relationship No This field allows you to specify the relationship that the emergency contact has with the employee.
Phone No This field allows you to specify the emergency contact’s home phone number.
Mobile No This field allows you to specify the emergency contact’s mobile phone number.
Address 1 No This field allows you to enter the first line of the emergency contact’s address.
Address 2 No This field allows you to enter the second line of the emergency contact’s address, if required.
Address 3 No This field allows you to enter the third line of the emergency contact’s address, if required.

Other Information

This section of the screen is only visible if you have Custom Fields on your account. Refer to the Managing Custom Fields help topic for further information.

Web Roles

This section allows you to define the access level for the employee. You will only be able to assign web roles to the employee if you have entered an email address for them.

For more information on web roles and levels of access, refer to the Web Roles help topic.