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Employee Wizard

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This topic describes the steps that an employee goes through during the onboarding process.

Welcome and (optional) Contract Acceptance

This screen welcomes the employee to the organisation.

If a contract was uploaded for the employee during set up, the employee will be able to view a copy of their contract and tick a checkbox to electronically accept their contract. After reviewing the contract the employee selects Read and Acknowledge to continue their onboarding.

Accepting your contract

Choose Password

This screen allows the employee to choose their password.

After the employee has chosen their password, their onboarding link will no longer work and you won’t be able to issue a new link.

Instead, the employee will be able to log back into the system using their email address and password to continue the wizard.

Choose your password

CEO/MD Message

The CEO/MD message screen shows your customised text and your video is embedded. The purpose of this screen is to start embedding your organisation’s culture and values into your new starter.

Video message from CEO/MD

Meet your team

This screen will show the new employee photos of their new team mates along with a short message from/about each of them.

The new starter gets introduced to their team.

Manager/Buddy message

The manager/buddy message screen will show a personalised welcome from the employee’s manager and/or buddy.

The new starter can read a message from their manager and their buddy

Personal Details

The personal details captures the basic information about an employee, including their name, date of birth and address.

Personal details are entered and validated

Emergency Contact Details

The employee is able to provide details of their next of kin/emergency contact.

Emergency Contact details are entered

Tax File Number Declaration

This screen captures all of the information from the TFN Declaration form. This information is also submitted to the ATO on your behalf.

TFN Details

Super Choice Details

The employee can specify a regulated complying super fund, their own Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) or they can opt to join your default super fund.

Super fund Details

Bank account details

Your new employee can enter up to two bank accounts for their pay. BSB numbers are validated as they are entered into the system to minimise the likelihood of payment errors.

Employee Bank Account Details

Fair Work Information Statement

The Fair Work Information Statement is shown to the employee and the employee must tick to confirm that they have read and understood the document.

Fair Work Information Statement

Employee handbook

If you’ve uploaded your employee handbook into the onboarding configuration, this will be made available for your new starter to review before their first day. This allows your new employee to become familiar with your organisation and working environment before their first day.

Electronically deliver your employee handbook

Review Screen

At the end of the wizard, the employee is shown a review screen where they can view all of the data that they provided during the wizard.

Should there be any incorrect data, the Edit button can be used to jump straight to the section which needs to be corrected.

If all information is correct, the employee can click the Finish button to complete their onboarding.

Review screen