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Editing an Authority

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This topic describes how to edit an authority record in the system. It also provides instructions for giving authority access to an existing employee.

Editing an Authority’s Personal Details

To edit an authority’s Personal Details (such as name, address or date of birth):

  1. Go to the Administration -> People screen
  2. Use the filters to locate the Authority if required
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the authority’s name
  4. Select Personal Details from the fly out menu
  5. Make the required changes to the details
  6. Click the Save Changes button

Editing an Authority’s Web/Contact Roles

To edit an authority’s Web Roles and/or Contact Roles:

  1. Go to the Administration -> People screen
  2. Use the filters to locate the Authority if required
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the authority’s name
  4. Select Edit Security from the fly out menu
  5. Make the required changes to the details

    NOTE: Refer to the Web Roles and Contact Roles help topics for more details about what each web/contact role allows an authority to do.

  6. Click the Save Changes button

Editing an Authority’s Cost Centres

On the Employees screen, an Authority will only be able to see the employees who are in a Cost Centre that they are an authority for

To edit an authority’s Cost Centre responsibilities:

  1. Go to the Administration -> People screen
  2. Use the filters to locate the Authority if required
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the Edit button next to the authority’s name
  4. Select Edit Configuration from the fly out menu
  5. Move the Cost Centres that the employee should have access to from the Available Cost Centres list to the Selected Cost Centres list
  6. Click the Save Changes button

Giving an Existing Employee Authority Privleges

If you have an existing employee who needs to be made into an Authority, use the following process to allocate Authority privliges to the employees.

  1. Go to the Administration -> People screen
  2. Enter the employee’s Family Name into the Family Name search field
  3. Make sure that the Show Authority Only tick box is not ticked
  4. Click the Search button
  5. Locate the employee in the search results
  6. Follow the above instructions for Editing an Authority’s Web/Contact Roles and Editing an Authority’s Cost Centres to provide the employee with access as an Authority

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